
Monday, May 20, 2013

10 ways I'm on my way to becoming the most momish mom ever (eat your heart out, Donna Reed)

1: The diaper bag always makes it to work with me on Mondays. It's hectic enough in the mornings without having to change everything back over to my purse, but I don't mind because I find stuff like this while searching for a pen and it's adorable:

2: I have ridiculous road rage. Like, much worse than it has ever been because the baby is with me. I have a particular hatred for :

People who ignore stop signs
People who pass me on the right without giving me a chance to even get out of their way
People who don't use their turn signal, especially when making a sudden right turn. Seriously, are you just driving with your feet?

3: I am obsessed with baby laundry. The way it smells, all of the colors and patterns, and how it only takes one fold to make it an acceptable size to fit in her drawer.

4: I have found a recent need to go to the gym and start gardening. Interesting how after nine months of growing something and taking care of my body, I have an overwhelming need to grow things and take care of my body.

5: I can get poop, boogers, pee and baby vomit all on me during any given day and I don't even flinch. Sometimes I live so dangerously that I don't even use a burp cloth (GASP!)

6: I feel like I can give newer parents than me advice. I've been doing this for what, ten minutes? Don't listen to me. Ever.

7: I talk to my baby and ask her questions, refusing to acknowledge that I'm really just talking to myself. "Have you seen mommy's hairbrush?" "What do you want to do today?" "Are you ready for your ba-ba?"

8: I  have broken up with my jeggings for good, and deleted their number.

9: I listen to children's albums, particularly Renee and Jeremy, even when I am by myself. If you haven't heard them, look it up. Genius.

10: I have never in my life cared less that no one wants to see me anymore. I'm going to Mobile this weekend and I just can't wait to show off my sweet little girly. I could be invisible and still be beaming with pride.

Happy Monday, ya'll! Enjoy your week!
