Good morning! Happy Wednesday!
As I explained here this past Christmas, I didn't exactly choose Stay-At-Home-Momhood. After my sudden departure from my full time position of three years, I had people generously clamoring to help me. Offering words of support, resources, sometimes even money - and I appreciated it all. But here I am, four months later, and still staying at home with my favorite girl.
I know what some people must be thinking. What happened? Why haven't you returned to work force yet? Weren't you always a champion for the working mother, you sell out?!
Yes. I'll always be a champion for the working mother. Even now I have heated discussions (or, more so, soapbox sessions) about how unfairly working mothers are treated, and how America hates a working mom. But the truth for my situation is simple. Turns out I'm pretty good at this.
Some people are great at art, or sales, or computers. I am great at Momming. Not the best, mind you - that title is long held by my own mother - but I've really come into my own since being thrown into the position. I'm never late. I am continuously figuring out how to make things run more efficiently. I make every effort to make sure my boss is happy - and not because if I don't I'll get fired - but because I believe in her happiness. I come in early, and I stay very late. I am at her beck and call. And it never feels like work.
Isn't that what they say you should look for in a job? Something like "If you love what you do, then you'll never work another day in your life."?
It's demanding, too. Constant strategizing. Sometimes it's a war zone. Sometimes it's a showdown. Most days it's a just a normal routine, like many other jobs. It can be monotonous, and it can be absolutely nuts. But, in my opinion, it's always rewarding. I put in my time for the day, and when it's over I feel like I've accomplished something great.
That's why I am trying to keep this position for as long as God will allow me. Like with anything in this life, it's not guaranteed. Like a lot of others in the working world, circumstances may force me to move on to something else. Maybe something I'll love just as much, maybe something I won't. All I know is for now, I am putting in 150% each and every day that I physically can. And maybe my impact with my "momming" skills will pay off tremendously, no matter how short of time I had the chance to do it.
Love what you do, people! Momming or not - if you're happy, you're making a huge difference.
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