
Monday, May 1, 2017

Please Don't Ask Me If I'm "Done."

Good afternoon!

Long time, no talk, huh? Turns out having two kids is pretty time consuming. Who knew?

Anyway, today I'm writing about a question that I, and I'm sure many of you - get asked all of the time. Family asks it. Friends ask it. Even strangers making polite conversation ask it. 

"So, do you think ya'll are done?"

Done having kids that is. Depending on the day, my answer varies. Some days I want to take the existing two that I already have and stick them back up from whence they came so I can eat a waffle by myself. Some days I think how lucky I am to have two healthy, beautiful girls and my life is pretty complete. And on rare days, I think, sure I guess I could do this again.

Let me put it straight for you. Yeah, I'm probably done. The best I can give you is a probably simply because I am a married, fertile young woman still within my childbearing years. 

The reasons I, personally, am "probably done" are the following:

-I have two beautiful kids that didn't get here easily and haven't been a cakewalk since
- No, I don't want a boy. I would love a boy if I had a boy. But I don't, and my family is still complete
- Yes, I loved having a big family to grow up in. I don't really want to raise one.
- The newborn stage is not my fave. I know it's short lived, but why repeat it if I didn't love it? Besides, I know lots of people having babies that I can snuggle on.

Here are the reasons I'm not going to give anyone a definite answer until menopause:

- I got pregnant both times pretty easily. Generally a tiny pill is the only thing between me and a baby
 - that being said, I always want to think of a "surprise" baby as a joy, and not something that was "not part of the plan."
- Plans and minds change. Situations change. I never had a number in my head of what my family would look like, and I still don't. 

So that is my incredibly complicated answer. Imagine the faces I see when I say all that to the lady at the library who was just making conversation. What can I say? My onion layers come off all at once. 

Thanks for listening, as always. I'll hopefully start writing more, and definitely more about the lighter side of child rearing. Have a wonderful Monday!


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