I have a journalism degree. I haven't ever done a darn thing with it, but there was really one reason that it's all I ever wanted to learn about. My grandfather. My mother's father passed away in a car accident when she was just 16, so I never got to know him, except through her stories. One of my favorites was about the time he work for the Birmingham News.
My grandfather was approached by some of the janitorial staff to write up a list of grievances to represent them. My grandfather was told not to do this, as it would surely result in a strike. Believing in their cause, he did it anyway. And he got fired.
I feel, in a way, that I've failed him. I believe in something, and I've stayed silent, out of fear. Fear of what some of my dearest friends and family will think of me. And let's be honest, I've never really believed my opinion was that important.
Important or not, there's something going on all around me that I have to talk about. Gay marriage has become the hot topic of today, particularly in my home state. I've always been quick to say that I don't know what the big deal is - but it IS a big deal. I believe in gay marriage.
There, I said it.
I think about my daughter. My sweet two year old, and how all I ever want for her is her happiness, whatever that looks like. I shudder at the thought of something denying her that, especially if she has worked so hard for it.
Dear baby girl, I know I don't have to worry about your basic human rights. Someone will always be fighting for that.
But what about your basic human privileges? The ones that earn you respect, and kindness, and happiness? Why would I not fight for those?
Everyone who earns it has a right be treated with respect and kindness. And to file their taxes jointly. And be recognized as legal parents. And be normal, contributing, loving members of society.
And when my daughter grows up, and she hopefully meets the love of her life, I can't wait to meet them.
Happy Wednesday to all!
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