
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"I'll Have More Time When _______ is Over." Says Every Mom, All the Time.

Good afternoon and happy Wednesday! I seem to be absent from my writing a lot these days, don't I? What used to be my quiet morning coffee and blogging time has turned into my feed the baby quickly and scarf down some coffee before we have to run our errands so we can be home in time for the new-NEW naptime, time. Whew! What a mouthful. Regardless of my ever-changing schedule, I promise to at least try to carry on with my blog, for those who read it.

Anyway, as I have mentioned before, this summer has been nuts. We've been on trips, we've been adjusting to my working again, and we've been tying up the last few activities of the summer before we head into the greatest time of the year - football season.

Just kidding, it's Fall of course. Which includes football season, but is also so, so much more. As always, the end of a season brings a sense of relief - a false sense - but a sense nonetheless, that the craziness of life will slow down for a bit, and we can return to our mornings in the play room, staring out the window as the leaves turn colors and I sip my beloved Keurig coffee. The difference this time being that this ain't my first rodeo anymore, and I've been through enough seasons to know that the craziness will go on forever and ever and ever as long as I have young children to attend to, friends that are still getting married, friends that are having babies and family that I am desperate to spend time with on a regular basis.

Not that this is a bad thing. The fact that I have a life at all is thrilling to me. Even if it is built around grocery trips and story times. And those will be the normal days. The run-of-the-mill lazy fall mornings that I will come to refer back to when I'm toting my kids and their friends to their various sports practices and missing when all we had to do was run errands on the weekends. But even now, the social calendar and obligations will begin to pile up, and out of nowhere, my entire fall season will be completely booked. I'll think I have all of the time in the world, until I realize that I have a wedding/football party/anniversary trip/birthday celebration/holiday that weekend, and we'll just have to find more time.

But things will slow down when the fall is over, right? Ha! Sure it will.

But I say, "Bring it on!" Bring on the tailgating! The giant inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man going in our yard this year for Halloween! The weddings! The cooking! The travel! Bring on the Pumpkin Spice Latte's! Bring on the chips! BRING ON THE DIP! And bring on the runny noses, the sweater weather, and endless pursuit for an infant Slimer costume. I'm ready. I'm ready for all of it.

Have a wonderful August, ya'll. I have had an amazing summer, but I am grateful to see it go. Until then, enjoy this picture of my country princess chasing bubbles in a diaper on a wrap around porch.


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