Hello, babies. Now that you've got this new woman in life, you're probably wondering if she's developing on schedule. Remember, all mommies are different - some may be more advanced, and some may be late bloomers, so just be patient with your new mom as she explores this new world around her.
1-2 weeks
Your new mommy may start showering again as early as a few days after your birth, but it's not uncommon for this process to take a week or two. Don't worry - she'll get there. If you're a colicky baby, this may take up to three weeks.
Passing you off quickly:
3-4 weeks
Your new mommy is terrified of dropping you, and since your neck is still unstable, this makes the football pass off to other people a necessary step. Try squirming a little bit, and follow it with crying for a few hours. This will make the new transition from mommy's arms to daddy's arms much smoother and quicker in the future.
Sleeping through the night:
4 months - ?
This is very much dependent on how much you work with her. Try sleep training her as early as 3 months. The sooner you're both passing out by 8pm, the happier your days will be. Don't worry if it takes a little longer. She's functioning on the rich nutrients of caffeine until this stage is over.
Leaving you in the care of others:
4 weeks - 1 year (or later)
This new mommy is very attached to you - sometimes physically, so don't be concerned if she isn't comfortable with grandma watching you on her own just yet. Remember, some mommies may be ready to say their goodbyes as early as a few weeks for a night out, while others are perfectly content to stay in for months at a time with their new angel (you) so enjoy it.
Drinking again:
1 day - several months
Some mommies are ready for that first glass of wine in the hospital - after, it's been a long nine months incubating you - but others are maintaining their new mom buzz all on their own. All new mommies drink something eventually. Yours may take longer, but don't be surprised if you taste a little wine in that first bits of breast milk (a little is perfectly harmless.)
Fixing her hair/wearing makeup
6 weeks - never again
Looking presentable may be something is forced upon your new mommy - like returning to work, or your baptism. But other mommies prioritize by showering and getting dressed in something other than pajamas before proceeding with their days with you. Either is perfectly acceptable. Your mommy is beautiful - no matter what she's wearing.
Stop taking endless amounts of pictures you:
Second baby - never
I'll be honest, some mommies never get over "mamarazzi syndrome." Every thing you do is amazing to her, so give her a smile and let it happen. If and when you get a sibling, the pictures may die down a bit, but be prepared for a new stage of matching outfits (for sisters, particularly) and weekly submissions of your videos to America's Funniest Home Videos.
Like I said before, all mommies are different. Yours is wonderful, and developing just as she should be. If you have any reason for concern - ask dad, or babble something to your doctor. An early red flag can lead to a lot of prevention.
Happy Wednesday!
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